
Our Team

Greg Palmer

Greg Palmer

Vice President, Contracts and Acquisitions

Greg Palmer, is the Vice President of Contracts and Acquisitions for Fenstermaker. He serves as a key member of the executive team that sets the company’s strategic direction. He oversees the details of all contracts with a variety of clients including state, regional and local governments and private industry. In this role, Mr. Palmer is responsible for contract negotiations, contract management and contract closeout. He understands the finances, policies and procedures, interests, and strategic planning, as well as laws and rules, governing contracts. With the authority to enter into, change or terminate contracts on behalf of Fenstermaker, he analyzes the potential benefits and risks of all legal transactions and is also the lead on any future acquisitions for Fenstermaker. Since 1984, Mr. Palmer has been a driving force in the growth and diversity of the company. He has played a vital role in the development of the firm’s work ethic, culture and values of company.