Ms. Eastin’s primary responsibility at Fenstermaker is Litigation Support for law firms representing oil companies involved in legacy and coastal parish lawsuits. She creates, publishes, and manages web-based mapping for the lawsuits. The maps, currently totaling over 300 in number, display the plaintiff’s property/operational areas in the petition, applicable leases, rights-of-way, wells, permits, georeferenced petition and expert’s maps, sampling data, historical aerial imagery and any available background datasets. The attorneys then utilize the maps to study the subject area and build their case, share maps, and create their own exhibits.
Ms. Eastin began with C. H. Fenstermaker & Associates in 1981 as a draftsman. Throughout her career at Fenstermaker, Ms. Eastin has had experience with many types of projects, such as Louisiana wetland permitting, managing projects covered by LADOTD retainers for environmental services and performing and managing Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. She has worked on various aspects of NEPA Compliance, including Environmental Assessments and HUD Environmental Reviews and prepared visual exhibits for court cases and annual property holdings maps for a land management company.
She has coordinated with both major and independent oil companies (pre-2010 re-organization) to fill whatever aspect of OCS offshore permitting fit their needs, such as exploration plans, development plans, environmental impact analyses, air quality reviews, and various OCS permits & forms.
In the past, she worked on a long-term project with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Mapping of the Atchafalaya Basin Floodway where she acted as a link between the research and mapping groups and was responsible for creating and maintaining a database management system.